2021 June Notes

Hot Topics from the HOA Board:  June 2021


Food Truck is Coming to Sovereign Oaks June 18th

Ceci’s Culinary Tour food truck will be in the cul-de-sac at the end of Trail Top Drive from 5:30pm to 7:30PM on Friday, June 18th. Ceci’s serves empanadas, tamales, Cuban sandwiches and crepes (savory and dessert)! It is BYO for adult beverages. Kiddos may want to wear their swimsuits so they can take a dip in the community swimming hole. Bring a chair and get together with neighbors again!

Upcoming SO Events in the Works Sponsored by the SO Social Committee

  • The Book Club will be starting back up in July for their monthly gatherings. The next one is July 19 at 7 pm at Sally Klippel’s house-34 Hickory Top Lane. Steve Brown will lead the discussion on Pachinko. RSVP to Sally:  sallyklippel@gmail.com
  • Summer Ice Cream Social
  • August – possible wine tasting event down at the greenhouse
  • Starting September – every 1-2 months, wine/appetizer sharing club to get to know neighbors
  • October – Annual Halloween Extravaganza -this year featuring a Haunted (Green)House
  • December – Cookie Exchange

Check the Monthly Newsletters for More Details!


Lot Owners Responsible for Maintenance Along Roads

Sovereign Oaks Lot Owners are responsible for mowing or mulching the strip of road frontage adjacent to their property. This includes both lots with finished homes and lots under construction once ground has been broken. The HOA landscape contractor mows the frontage of lots not yet under construction. Knock down those weeds!


Paving at Front Entrance

Pisgah Paving will be repaving the surface around the entrance/exit gate sometime in June when the company is here for work on homeowner construction sites as well. This will mean the exit gate will be blocked during the repaving so watch for the hazard warnings, shared traffic through the entrance gate and workers. The company will give us a few days notice, so watch for an announcement when a date has been scheduled.


Upcoming BOD Meeting/Date Changes

The next BOD meeting is scheduled for July 12th, 11:30-1:00, 28 Hawberry Court.

As a reminder, meetings are scheduled for the first Monday of the month subject to change based on availability of our volunteer Board members. Monday July 5th and Monday September 6th both follow Holidays. As a result, the Board will meet the following Mondays, July 12th  and September 13th. Out of respect for the work schedules of our volunteer Board members, we limit our meetings to 1 ½ hours with a hard stop at 1 P.M.

Any HOA members who want to attend should check with the Board to confirm the schedule: board@sovereignoakshoa.com.

Annual Meeting/BOD Nominations Open

The HOA Annual Meeting is coming up this September. The date is still being confirmed with the venue.
Three Board terms are expiring this year. If any HOA member is interested in running for the Board, get in touch with any current Board member or write to the board at board@sovereignoakshoa.com to find out what’s involved in serving on the board and to ensure your name can be entered on the ballot

Accessing the Sovereign Oaks Website

The SO website https://sovereignoakshoa.com contains lots of useful information for residents. For those HOA members who have not logged on before, you can use the gateway password “sovereignoaksHOA” for your first log in then set your own username and password. Please note, a site administrator has to approve the new login, so there may be a delay in activation.
Current users, please remember that you may have to enter the gateway password in the future if it has been a while since your last visit.


Amanda Galvin and Rebekah Owings are taking on the task of revising the Sovereign Oaks public-facing website (sovereingoaks.com) and the HOA website (sovereignoakshoa.com). The goal for the public-facing website is to have it be more informative about the community in general. The goal of the HOA website redesign is to institute an initial login request that ensures only HOA members can gain access, but also make the login process easier than the two-step process that currently exists. The site will also be redesigned to be easier for HOA members to navigate and find information.

We appreciate your patience!

Do you have something to contribute to this monthly newsletter? 

Do you have something you would like to contribute to this monthly newsletter? Events or dates of interest coming up? What are you doing in the garden this month? Interesting sights on your walks in the neighborhood? Share your thoughts, observations, and experiences with your neighbors. Email the text of your announcement or anything you wish to share to Amanda Galvin at amandagalvin1@gmail.com by the first Wednesday of each month.

2021 May Notes