2021 October Notes

Newsletter – October 2021


Social Committee News

  • Halloween is coming! Sovereign Oaks will celebrate on Saturday evening, Oct. 30 with a “Ghost Ship” theme!  Not-so-spooky events start at 5:30 at the top of the greenhouse trail. A spookier version kicks off at 6:30 from the same place. More details will be sent again by the end of this weekend via email, but we wanted to let you know to mark your calendars! There will be many different ways to contribute and/or participate for all ages. We hope to conduct an event that will feel safe for everyone. 

  • The next meeting of the SO Book Club will be on Monday, November 8, at 7 pm at the home of Catherine and Joe Stelpflug, 9 Trail Top Drive. Catherine will lead the discussion of Educated by Tara Westover. We will be meeting on a screened porch with a fireplace so dress accordingly. Please RSVP to sallyklippel@gmail.com.

Greenhouse Work Session

  • Want to play in the dirt? This Saturday morning, 8:30-10:30, at the greenhouse. Let’s do one last round of weeding before fall really sets in next week and spread some wood chips! There are some donations to transplant, too. Bring gloves and a shovel and join us. October 16. 



As building activity continues within Sovereign Oaks, sometimes questions arise about the management and maintenance of building sites. Recently an HOA member complained to a builder about the location of a portable toilet on a building site near their home. In an attempt to be accommodating, the builder moved the portable toilet. Unfortunately, the new location is problematic for the vehicle servicing the toilet. The DRC has overall responsibility for balancing a variety of interests and concerns to ensure that building sites are maintained in a way that is convenient to all residents and efficient for traffic flow during the building process. Instead of making requests of builders or work crews directly that can be confusing or contradictory to DRC directives, if you have questions or concerns about the management or activity at a particular building site please contact the DRC at DRC@sovereignoakshoa.com. This does not, however, prevent any HOA member from reminding workers within Sovereign Oaks to adhere to the speed limit. 


Rethinking the Greenhouse?

The current Greenhouse was built by the developer and given as community property to the HOA. While the idea of a community Greenhouse is appealing, in reality it’s not used for much. There is no Luther Burbank who has emerged so no horticultural experimentation going on there. The space is unusable as a meeting place during the summer (too hot) or the winter (leaky roof and no heat). While the Board has looked into repairing the leaky roof, several HOA members have raised the possibility of converting the Greenhouse into an open air pavilion with a fireplace or fire pit and additional seating. This could be done as a community volunteer construction project with professional help where needed. Transforming the Greenhouse in this way would create a natural gathering place for the community that would get much more use than the current facility does. Before the HOA pursues this idea, we’d like to hear from HOA members. What would you like to see done with the Greenhouse?  Write to Mike Newton at choppermagnum@aol.com.

Front Entrance Repaving

The heavy rainfall continues to delay the repaving and widening at the front exit. It is now looking like the work will not take place until near the end of October (fingers crossed!). This will mean a few things HOA members need to be aware of:

  • The EXIT side of the gate will be closed to traffic for about 48 hours while the repairs are made and the asphalt sets. All traffic entering and leaving Sovereign Oaks will be routed through the ENTER side of the gate so SLOW DOWN and LOOK FOR TRAFFIC during this period. 

  • There will be cones and signage directing traffic and the paving crew will be directing traffic while they are working. However, once they are done it is up to drivers to remain alert to the potentially hazardous traffic situation while the EXIT side remains blocked.

  • It is unlikely that the HOA will have much more than 24 hours’ notice before work commences, so watch for alerts via email and Slack as well as paying attention to road signage, cones and work crews.


New BOD Officer Positions

Your new HOA BOD met for the first time after the recent Annual Meeting and elected Board Officers for the upcoming year. Kirsten Kern is President, Mark Jordan is Vice President, Brad Allen is Secretary, Javier Samayoa is Treasurer and Mike Newton is Board Member.

Accessing the Sovereign Oaks Website

The SO website https://sovereignoakshoa.com contains lots of useful information for residents. For those HOA members who have not logged on before, you can use the gateway password “sovereignoaksHOA” for your first log in then set your own username and password. Please note, a site administrator has to approve the new login, so there may be a delay in activation.
Current users, please remember that you may have to enter the gateway password in the future if it has been a while since your last visit.


Amanda Galvin and Rebekah Owings are taking on the task of revising the Sovereign Oaks public-facing website (sovereingoaks.com) and the HOA website (sovereignoakshoa.com). The goal for the public-facing website is to have it be more informative about the community in general. The goal of the HOA website redesign is to institute an initial login request that ensures only HOA members can gain access, but also make the login process easier than the two-step process that currently exists. The site will also be redesigned to be easier for HOA members to navigate and find information.

We appreciate your patience!

Do you have something to contribute to this monthly newsletter? 

Do you have something you would like to contribute to this monthly newsletter? Events or dates of interest coming up? What are you doing in the garden this month? Interesting sights on your walks in the neighborhood? Share your thoughts, observations, and experiences with your neighbors. Email the text of your announcement or anything you wish to share to Amanda Galvin at amandagalvin1@gmail.com by the first Wednesday of each month.

2021 August Notes