Newsletter – August 2022



Save the Date! HOA Annual Meeting is Scheduled for September 22nd 

The 2022 HOA Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22nd at the Riceville Fire Station, 2251 Riceville Road. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. with the meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. Watch for more information in the coming days.

Reminder: Dog’s Must be Under Owners’ Control at All Times

As a reminder to all, dogs can be unpredictable and need to be kept under control when outside. Pet owners have a responsibility both to their neighbors and their neighbors’ pets to ensure we all can walk the roads and trails within Sovereign Oaks in safety and comfort.
The Sovereign Oaks Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (Article VII, Section 4) states that the “keeping of pets shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations promulgated and published by the Association.” One of those restrictions states: “(a)ll pets must be kept under the control of their Owner when they are outside the occupant’s Dwelling and must not become a nuisance to other residents at any time.” 



The Design Review Committee seeking applicants

The DRC will have two openings beginning this October. The DRC, made of up three residents and two professionals, meets monthly. It is organized by the Board to administer implementation of the Architectural design guidelines for development and improvement on all lots within Sovereign Oaks. There are still more than 20 undeveloped lots within Sovereign Oaks and the DRC plays a critical role in ensuring Sovereign Oaks remains the desirable and unique community that attracted us all here. If interested, contact the HOA Board at

Social Committee Notes:

August 20 – BBQ at the Bamboo Grove. 5-7:30 pm.  BBQ’d meats will be provided. Please bring a chair, your drinks and a side dish or dessert to share. To help get an idea of how much food we need to put on the grill, please RSVP HERE

September 19 – Book Club at the Stepflug’s: Paris in the Present Tense by Mark Helprin

September 23 – Food Truck at the four corners

Coming in…

October – Wine and Appetizers, Chili Cookoff , Halloween 
November –
Bee tasting/seminar, Book Club (Gentleman in Paris)
Early December –
Cookie Exchange 



Community Directory is Coming

The form to update our directory in its final revisions and will be send in a separate email in the next few days, so please keep an eye out!

Update to S.O. Website Access!

PLEASE NOTE that you no longer have to enter the old gateway password first to access the login screen. When you visit the site, simply click “Log In,” and the login screen will appear. Then enter your personal username (or email) and password. Forgot your password? You can choose to reset it using your email address. Should you still be unable to access the secure site at that point, or you need to register for access, please contact Rebekah Owings ( for assistance.

Thank you, Bryce (and Dad, John) Cunag! 

The upper road edging the bamboo grove and deck along Bull Creek is a well-trod sylvan path used by everyone in Sovereign Oaks. Bryce Cunag and his Dad, John, (41 Hawberry Court) noticed that undergrowth and fallen limbs were making a mess of it. So they took up the challenge. The father/son duo spent a couple of hours trading off mowing and weed-whacking duties, clearing out debris, widening the path and making it more useable for all. His Dad reports that Bryce, an 11-year-old who will be entering 5th grade at Asheville Christian Academy, really enjoys yard work. “He’s a hard worker!” Dad boasts. Thanks, Bryce & John!

Last Call! Play Ball!

We’ve still got a few places for those interested in forming a Sovereign Oaks co-ed, non-competitive softball team to participate in the Ashville City League this fall. If you’ve got a good opposite field line drive, can turn a double play, and have patience in the batter’s box, we can use you. But more importantly, if you just want to come out and have some fun with your neighbors over a short six game season beginning in September, then join us.  Cost per person is approximately $60. This pays for field rental including equipment (other than gloves) and umpires. 
If interested, contact:
Jack Klippel  (email):   (cell phone/text): (404) 692-9059. 
Brad Allen  (email):    (cell phone/text): (612) 386-3415.


Please email HOA member contributions for the monthly newsletter by the first week of each month to  


Feel free to send notes of gratitude for those who serve our S.O. community through their volunteer acts! We will include those in the neighborhood contributions!


Accessing the Sovereign Oaks Website

The SO website contains lots of useful information for residents. When you visit the site, simply click “Log In,” and the login screen will appear. Then enter your personal username (or email) and password. Forgot your password? You can choose to reset it using your email address. Should you still be unable to access the secure site at that point, or you need to register for access, please contact Rebekah Owings ( for assistance.


Amanda Galvin and Rebekah Owings are taking on the task of revising the Sovereign Oaks public-facing website ( and the HOA website ( The goal for the public-facing website is to have it be more informative about the community in general. The goal of the HOA website redesign is to institute an initial login request that ensures only HOA members can gain access, but also make the login process easier than the two-step process that currently exists. The site will also be redesigned to be easier for HOA members to navigate and find information.

We appreciate your patience!


2022 July Notes