Newsletter – July 2022


HOA Annual Meeting is Coming Up in September 

While we have not yet set a firm date, the HOA Annual Meeting will be held in September at the Riceville Fire House, 2251 Riceville Rd. Here are a few details.

  • The meeting will be held in the early evening as last year. Tentatively 6 p.m. sign-in and 6:30 start.

  • While we have met in the outdoor pavilion the past two years, we are hopeful we can move the meeting indoors this year if the fire department allows indoor gatherings. That may change by September, so we should be prepared to hold the meeting outdoors, as we did last year, if need be.

  • While we will provide a ZOOM link for out-of-town lot owners to view and listen in, voting will only be either in-person or by proxy, so plan ahead.

  • The proposed 2023 HOA Budget which will be voted on at the meeting will be sent out in late August along with more details on the meeting. 

  • One Board term is expiring this year. Voting for this Board positions will be by written ballot, with nominations submitted prior to the meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be allowed during the meeting.  HOA members interested in running for a Board seat, or wanting more information, should get in touch with any current Board member or write to the board at Board meetings are held once a month. While the meetings are currently held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., the board will set at a time a place convenient to all board member schedules, so it may change.  

  • Watch for more information.

HOA BOD Meeting Schedule Change

Meetings are now scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month, beginning at 7 p.m.  Non-Board HOA members are welcome to attend, observe and participate in the monthly board meetings. Any HOA member who wishes to be placed on the agenda to discuss a topic must inform the Board at least 10 (ten) days prior to the meeting by sending an email to or speaking with a sitting board member. stating the topic(s) that they wish to discuss and the names of those individuals planning on attending. Any HOA member wishing to attend as an observer without presenting to the board, should also inform the board ahead of time as a courtesy to ensure adequate seating is available and to confirm date, time and place.

Neighbor to Neighbor Dialogue

A group of HOA members has been working independently for several months on ideas about neighbor-to-neighbor dispute resolution and initiatives for deepening community engagement through areas of shared interest. In addition to suggesting several tools they think could be useful in building durable solutions to disputes through a process of dialogue, the group is exploring ideas for building on community member interests in areas such as gardening and horticulture, recreational activities, communication initiatives, and educational initiatives. They recently presented a summary of their work to the HOA Board. The Board encouraged them to open a dialogue with other HOA members to further develop their ideas and to invite suggestions from the wider community. Interested HOA members can reach out to Harry Koolen, ( ), Artie Miller ( ), or Tim Owings ( for more information. They would like to hear from interested community members by the end of July, in order to put some of the ideas in motion before the end of the summer.

Bookkeeper Updates the Books and the Board

Sovereign Oaks new bookkeeper, HOA member Kristen Eggen, attended the recent Board meeting to report that she has completed her clean-up of the QuickBooks HOA income statements and balance sheets. As a result, the Treasurer’s Reports posted on the HOA website ( are now correct and current. We’re lucky to have a professional bookkeeper helping us keep the accounting up-to-date. Thanks, Kristen.  

HOA Member Directory is Coming!

HOA members Rebekah Owings, Amanda Galvin and Art Mandler continue to revamp different aspects of neighbor communication, including an upcoming current member directory and an improved website. Many HOA members have asked for a directory as an easy-to-access way to get in touch with neighbors. HOA members can also elect what personal contact information is shared publicly. Watch for details in next month’s newsletter. Thanks Rebekah, Amanda and Art!

Maintenance of Undeveloped Lots

An HOA member recently asked what is required for the maintenance of undeveloped lots. While the HOA landscape contractor mows the frontage of lots not yet under construction, owners of undeveloped lots in the Meadows or with extensive brush growth are required to arrange for bush hogging once a year, optimally in late fall after the growing season ends. At the same time, it should go without saying that undeveloped lots are NOT the place for neighbors to their dump yard waste. 

Speaking of Bush Hogs…What About Bush Goats?

If you see some goats hanging around Catherine and Joe Stepflug’s house on Trail Top Drive this week, the goats are hard at work clearing the brambled slope adjacent to their home. While raising livestock is not permissible in Sovereign Oaks, the temporary feeding of goats is a creative solution that Catherine and Joe have come up with to address their landscape maintenance needs. A temporary electronic fence will keep the goats on task and on property. Dog walkers take note! Keep your pet on leash when passing by the bearded work crew.

One Man, One Tree

Neighborhood hikers on the trail leading onto the Warren Wilson trail system last month may have encountered a very large tree blocking the trail, forcing two-footed hikers taller than 24” to scramble over it. Unfortunately, as recent rain weakened its foundation the tree’s roots along the creek bank gave way. The tree, nearly two feet in circumference at the base, was cut and cleared from the path by HOA member Mike Newton on his own. Several times Mike and his chainsaw have, without fanfare or being asked, voluntarily cleared trees that have blocked the trails in and around Sovereign Oaks. This was a big one. Thanks, Mike!

See Something? Say Something

If a neighborhood trail looks like it needs some maintenance, whether downed trees, weed growth, erosion, or unsafe trail conditions, HOA members can inform the Trails & Landscape Committee by contacting Mark Jordan at

Batter Up! Play Ball!

Interested in forming a Sovereign Oaks co-ed, non-competitive softball team to participate in the Asheville City League this fall? Several of you have responded but we still need more players. Sign-up starts in July, the Season begins in September. We would need to field a team of at least 10 people in order to register. Cost per person is approximately $60. This pays for field rental including equipment (other than gloves), umpires and Tee-shirts. 

If interested, contact:

Jack Klippel  (email):  (cell phone/text): (404) 692-9059. 

Brad Allen  (email):  (cell phone/text): (612) 386-3415.


Social Committee Notes:

The committee is presently working on an August date for a food truck if one is available. They will send a separate email notice once details are ironed out.

Wine and Appetizer Club
Our next meeting will be in August! Small groups of 8-10 will meet at a host’s home. Bring a nice bottle of wine and an appetizer to share with the group. The hosts and groups will be rotated each time. Our group is growing, and we’ll probably need three hosts in August. RSVP to Sally at if you would like to join the group or host a group in August.

Sovereign Oaks Community – History (Non-fiction) Book Club:  Kudos to Artie Miller and Harry Koolen for launching a new book club that will focus on non-fiction works in History. The new club is shooting for an initial meeting sometime in October to discuss Borderland: A Journey through the History of Ukraine (updated and revised edition, 2015), by Anna Reid. Borderland is a highly readable work that puts the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a broad, yet very accessible, historical context. The discussion leader will be Harry Koolen. 

Please respond to either Harry Koolen ( or Artie Miller ( if you are interested in joining. Details of subsequent meeting dates and book guidelines will be discussed at the first meeting.


From the Design Review Committee (DRC)

Article recommendation from the Sovereign Oaks DRC:
“In Your Enthusiasm for Planting, Don’t Forget About the Trees” NYT Link or 
pdf download


Trash Schedule Pickup Reminder

There are only SIX dates that Waste Pro alters their trash pick up schedule. This info is from the WastePro website.  There are times when the schedule is altered due to inclement weather as well.

Solid waste and recycle collection services will NOT be provided on the following days:
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day

How It Works-If you have regular trash pickup day on a Wednesday, and one of the holidays listed above falls on a Wednesday, your trash will be picked up on Thursday. Thursday trash pickup will be on Friday, and Friday on Saturday. The trash schedule will return to the regular pickup schedule the following Monday.

Next Litter Cleanup Date

The next Old Farm School Road litter cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, July 30th. Come join our Adopt-a-Highway partners from Holly Hill and River Run for this quarterly event. We will meet up at 9:00 a.m. at the Sovereign Oaks mailboxes to handout safety vests, work gloves, and trash bags. If we have enough people to deploy four teams, it should only take about an hour. In the event of inclement weather, we will reschedule at a later date. If you have questions or want additional information, contact Moe Davis at

Please email HOA member contributions for the monthly newsletter by the first week of each month to  


Feel free to send notes of gratitude for those who serve our S.O. community through their volunteer acts! We will include those in the neighborhood contributions!


Accessing the Sovereign Oaks Website

The SO website contains lots of useful information for residents. For those HOA members who have not logged on before, you can use the gateway password “sovereignoaksHOA” for your first log in then set your own username and password. Please note, a site administrator has to approve the new login, so there may be a delay in activation.
Current users, please remember that you may have to enter the gateway password in the future if it has been a while since your last visit.


Amanda Galvin and Rebekah Owings are taking on the task of revising the Sovereign Oaks public-facing website ( and the HOA website ( The goal for the public-facing website is to have it be more informative about the community in general. The goal of the HOA website redesign is to institute an initial login request that ensures only HOA members can gain access, but also make the login process easier than the two-step process that currently exists. The site will also be redesigned to be easier for HOA members to navigate and find information.

We appreciate your patience!


2022 June Notes