Newsletter – November 2023





Social Committee Notes:

  • Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange: 10:00 am. Dec 17 at the home of Sally and Jack Klippel (34 Hickory Top Lane), light brunch and cookie exchange.
    Follow this link to sign up! The committee will follow up with more details with all who sign up by Dec. 9.
  • The 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off was a great success! Congrats to Sally Klippel for defending her title in the meat chili category and to Karel Newton for taking first place in the vegetarian category. Special thanks to Catherine and Joe Stelpflug for hosting a fun event! See a few photos at the end of the newsletter!

Non-Fiction Book Club:  Our next book is A Day in the Life of Abed Salama: Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy, author Nathan Thrall. With conflict in the Middle East leading the news every day, this is a timely read. We will discuss this book on Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.  Please RSVP by December 8th to Artie Miller at []  to let us know that you will participate in this discussion for our host home planning and to receive more details and information about the Non-Fiction Book Club – we welcome new members. Read more at this link!

Facilities Committee . . :

is pleased to report that all 120 boards on the common entrance area fence have now been replaced. The old fence boards were warped and were not in good enough condition to be re-stained. The new boards are thicker, are pressure treated, and are expected to last longer than the originals. (Photos below)

Over 90 hours of resident volunteer labor were involved:  Mike Newton procured the lumber and pre-stained each board with help from Nancy Hoer, Jean-Yves Kainic, and Karel Newton. Demolition and installation were performed by a second crew that included Brad Allen, Tim Conway, Jim Hoer, Jean-Yves Kainic, Art Mandler, and Charley Remsen. Total cost of materials (lumber, stain, and deck screws) plus anticipated disposal fees will be less than $1,800. This compares to an all-in (labor + materials) quote for $10,500 that we received from an Asheville fence contractor.

Also, as part of this project, the Speed Limit sign was installed at a higher elevation to increase visibility.  Look for it the next time you drive through the entrance gate.


Please note that Buncombe County has issued a State of Emergency and has banned burning due to the extreme risk of fire. From the county’s website: “Under the state of emergency, all outdoor burning is prohibited, including fire pits, campfires, tiki torches, and chimineas. Only the preparation of food using outdoor grills is allowed.” Follow this link to learn more



2023 October Notes