2022 May Notes

Newsletter – May 2022


Bear Advisory Update

By now, many of you have heard of a couple of middle of the night bear intrusions and seen the video of a bear trying to open a door within Sovereign Oaks. A few folks have reported unsuccessful attempts at entry, thwarted because their doors were locked and a few have reported entry into unlocked cars. Buncombe County and Animal Control will not come to relocate a bear in the wild unless it is posing an imminent threat (such as being in your house). To keep both wildlife and residents safe, please keep pet food, garbage and other tempting items locked away so this bear is not attracted to your property and starts foraging in the woods away from the neighborhood. Bird feeders and bird seed are a BEAR MAGNET. Keep doors and cars securely locked as well. The DRC sent a notice to all contractors working within SO reminding them not to dispose of food waste in dumpsters, which adds to the problem.

Pavilion Project Delayed

A combination of factors has resulted in a delay to completion of the pavilion.  Rainy weather has continued to push out completion of the concrete pad expansion. As a result, no firm date can yet be set for a contractor to erect the pavilion structure, so lining up a contractor has been problematic. The Pavilion project committee will need volunteers to help groom and clean up the site in preparation for the concrete pour. If interested, text Mike Newton at (704) 957-8644 or email him at choppermagnum@aol.com.

In addition, as noted last month continued unexpected legal costs have put pressure on the HOA budget as approved at the annual meeting last September. Legal costs through the end of April have now exceeded the $10,000 that had been budgeted for the entire year due to conflicts with two HOA members. While we’ve succeeded in achieving some cost reductions with a new landscaping contractor and continue to look for other savings in current expenditures, we cannot at this point predict with certainty the expected impact of continued legal expenses on total expenditures. As a result, we will complete installation of the concrete pad this year, but the Board is evaluating pushing out the construction phase of the pavilion to next year’s budget cycle.

REMINDER: Construction sites are private property and potentially dangerous

Recently, a sub-contractor clearing trees in accordance with the DRC-approved site plan in preparation for construction on a lot within Sovereign Oaks was approached by an unidentified individual, presumably a resident, asking what he was doing. The individual reportedly approached the backhoe operator from the rear, so the driver did not see the person until they were next to the equipment, creating a potentially dangerous situation for both people. Construction sites are private property, just as occupied residences are. If you have questions about construction activity, reach out to the Sovereign Oaks DRC at drc@sovereignoakshoa.com.

Maintaining Road Frontage Property is Property Owners’ Responsibility

The growing season has begun and so has the mowing season. SO has a new landscape contractor who is responsible for mowing common areas as well as road frontage on undeveloped lots and lots currently under construction. Homeowners in occupied residences are responsible for maintaining the right-of-way strip adjacent to their lots in addition to their own property. Residents unable to maintain their own lawns should hire someone to keep both their lawn and the frontage strip neat.

Sovereign Oaks Bookkeeper Update

HOA Member Kristen Eggen (15 Towering Oaks Lane) will be lending her excellent bookkeeping skills and QuickBooks expertise to keeping the Sovereign Oaks financial reports up to date and current. Much thanks to Ona Cavey (38 Wandering Oaks Way) who has been performing this task for the past few years.

Asheville Annual Water Quality Report

Recently the Asheville Water Department issued its annual water quality report which is summarized by them as follows: “In 2021, the City of Asheville detected 8 contaminants in the drinking water. However, these contaminants were at allowable levels and no health-based violations were reported.  You can also view your annual water quality report at: https://www.ashevillenc.gov/service/water-quality-advisories/

While the HOA newsletter tries to be a useful source of information for the HOA membership, households should not assume that it will be the definitive source for such information. For the information you deem important, you should sign up for alerts directly with utilities and other agencies.

Next Board Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, June 7 at 7PM

The meeting will be held at 17 Hawberry Court.  Any HOA member wishing to address the Board on any topic should notify the board at least ten days prior to the meeting at board@sovereignoakshoa.com. If you just want to come and listen to the business portion of the meeting without presenting, you’re welcome to do so as well. Just let the board know ahead of time as a courtesy and to ensure adequate seating is available.



Social Committee Notes:

Wine and Appetizer Club — Save the date of Saturday, June 11 for our next meeting! Small groups of 8-10 will meet at a host’s home. Bring a nice bottle of wine and an appetizer to share with the group. The hosts and groups will be rotated each time. Robin Garrison and Bobbi & Brad Allen will be our next hosts from 6:00-7:30pm. Sally will set up the groups when she knows who will be attending. RSVP to Sally, and if you know anyone else who would like to join the group, have them contact her at sallyklippel@gmail.com.

Save the date: Saturday, June 25 — the Gypsy Queen food truck will be here!


Robin Garrison would like to organize a Canasta group. She can host the games and teach if you want to learn! It is a partner game and plays with 4 persons. Reach out to Robin at garrisonrobin@gmail.com if you are interested!

Do you have something to contribute to this monthly newsletter? 

Send any other news items to amandagalvin1@gmail.com to be included in the next monthly newsletter.

Accessing the Sovereign Oaks Website

The SO website https://sovereignoakshoa.com contains lots of useful information for residents. For those HOA members who have not logged on before, you can use the gateway password “sovereignoaksHOA” for your first log in then set your own username and password. Please note, a site administrator has to approve the new login, so there may be a delay in activation.
Current users, please remember that you may have to enter the gateway password in the future if it has been a while since your last visit.


Amanda Galvin and Rebekah Owings are taking on the task of revising the Sovereign Oaks public-facing website (sovereingoaks.com) and the HOA website (sovereignoakshoa.com). The goal for the public-facing website is to have it be more informative about the community in general. The goal of the HOA website redesign is to institute an initial login request that ensures only HOA members can gain access, but also make the login process easier than the two-step process that currently exists. The site will also be redesigned to be easier for HOA members to navigate and find information.

We appreciate your patience!


2022 April Notes